These techniques are integrated as needed into your osteopathy session.
Swedish Massage
The Swedish massage can be performed with a therapeutic intent or simply for relaxation. It is a progressive technique performed with the use of oil and it has beneficial effects on various systems of the body. This approach is mainly defined by a series of techniques that favors the return of blood to the heart. These techniques are used for relaxation of muscular tensions, thus allowing a greater articular mobility.
They also stimulate regulation functions by calling upon the body’s self-healing capacities. This massage can stimulate and relax, but it can also help with recovery after physical activity and therefore improve posture. The therapist adapts rhythm and depth of his manipulations according to the clients’ needs. Techniques of the Swedish massage can also be applied with chair massage and may also be practised without oil.
Therapeutic Shiatsu Massage
This approach is based on basics of traditional Chinese medicine. Shiatsu offers global wellness, in other words an emotional, physical and psychological wellness. Connected to and using the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth and metal), the therapist seeks to balance the energy of the body and in doing so favors a self-healing process. The technique is performed over clothing and on a mattress or futon on the floor. Shiatsu is characterized by palpations and pressures applied with the palms, thumbs, elbows and/or feet on the body meridians.
The massage begins with a look-over of the hara (abdomen) in order to identify energy zones suffering from deficiencies or excess. The Shiatsu massage works on meridian lines (acupuncture points) that are related to the energy of internal organs of the body. In order to meet the specific needs of each person, this massage is accompanied by soft stretching. This technique is easily adapted to other types of practice in massage therapy, like chair massage for example.
Thai Massage
This massage is of Ayurveda inspiration (Indian medicine), having more than 2,500 years of existence. Thai massage is characterized by applying pressures on designated lines in the body (“sen” energy lines) and by mobilization resembling yoga-like stretches. It procures a physical and psychological relaxation, improves flexibility, releases muscles of toxins and encourages one to loosen up. The massage is performed over clothing, usually on a futon or a mattress on the floor. Certain techniques of the Thai massage may be adapted to ergonomic chair massage.